Months ago I was given the opportunity to design an idea for a tuxedo shoot. I thought long and hard, and nothing better then the deviant James Bond sporting his suits in times of trouble and danger. What would be better then promoting some of the best tuxedos on the market, and in small town Hugoton, KS then closing down a lane on main street, two super awesome corvettes, the police department, involving as many people as possible, a beautiful house, Apple Blossoms store front, and using Nikon and Canon cameras.
appleblossomofficialcommercial from Jeremy Landis on Vimeo.
This video is consisted of still made into a commercial video promoting Jim's Formal Wear Tuxedo's sold a Apple Blossoms in Hugoton, KS. Erica Kolb is the owner and was awesome to work with on this photo/video shoot as she let me be as creative as I wanted to be.
(no copyright infringement intended, all acknowledgements to the creator and publishers of this music.)
Thanks to all that were involved and donated there time to put this video/photo shoot together.